Monday, January 17, 2005

TV or Bust

My husband and I love watching television. It is by far our favorite pastime. One night, as we were in euphoria watching one of our favorite shows, the unthinkable happened. The cable went out. In our momentary panic, we tried to calm ourselves with the notion that it would come back on any second. Well, it didn't and we were left seemingly adrift in boredom. We decided to try talking to each other. After a minute or two the sound of crickets chirping was palpable. Mike said, "maybe we should read a book from our bookshelves". We both broke out into laughter. You see, we don't read books or have book shelves in our house, other then the prerequisite ones in our kid's room. Even our friends have taken note of this and muttered something about what losers we are.

We're not even big fans of bookstores, unlike everyone else who can and do make an evening out of it. One night a group of friends had the nerve to drag us into one! We were blown away by how many people piddle away their evenings (and babysitters) staring at books. I mean, get a life for crying out loud! I couldn't help but wonder why they weren't at the local bars like normal, red-blooded fools. Another time, while at a conference with my husband, I struck up a conversation with a person I barely knew who told me she had read some great book on the plane there. She went on to say that she was picturing how it could have easily been turned into a movie. I told her that I knew the feeling. I had indeed felt the same way while reading my "In Style" magazine on my flight. It was definitely a page-turner and I too envisioned it on the big screen. We parted ways after she gave me a long, blank stare (something I'm completely used to).

Anyway, after about 40 minutes without cable and unable to make conversation with Mike, I did the only thing that made any sense and went to sleep. Two hours later I got up to go to the bathroom (yes, I am incontinent). I caught him still staring at the blue, empty screen of the TV longing for it to come back on so all would be right in the world once again. I know you're thinking we're illiterate, television junkies and a match made in heaven. I can live comfortably with that, because you would be 100% correct, my friend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes the blue screen is as good as TVgets. A book however, never has a blue page.

1:50 PM  
Blogger nelly said...

Sleep is the only answer. The silence is just too deafening.

9:11 AM  

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